javascript 상속 이해하기 관련 사이트
Javascript: The Good Parts (Chapter 5) -Douglas Crockford Prototypal Inheritance in Javascript -Douglas Crockford Object-Oriented Javascript -Stoyan Stefanov Javascript Override Patterns -Andrea Giammarchi Simple JavaScript Inheritance -John Resig
2012. 2. 8. 08:55
PGSQL 명령어 모음
Connect to postresql psql or psql db_name Create a user CREATE USER kevin WITH PASSWORD 'my_password'; Create a user from command line createuser kevin Remove a user from command line dropuser kevin Select database \c db_name Show databases select datname from pg_database; List databases \l Show Schemas \dn Show tables \d Show tables in schema \dt my_schema.* Show all sequences \ds Show all view..
2012. 2. 8. 00:49
트위터 css , 이미지 버튼
2012. 2. 3. 15:25