출처 : http://speckyboy.com/2013/01/08/useful-htaccess-snippets-and-hacks/1. Controlling Access to Files and DirectoriesPassword protection is one thing, but sometimes you may need to completely block users from having the option of accessing a particular file or directory. This usually happens with system folders, such as the includes folder for which applications will need access but no users wi..
jQuery 1.8 이상 부타는 두번째 파라미터에 다양한 오브젝 속성을 추가할수 있다. $( "", { "class": "my-div", on: { touchstart: function( event ) { // Do something } }}).appendTo( "body" ); Attribute values in selector expressions must follow the rules for W3C CSS selectors; in general, that means anything other than avalid identifier should be surrounded by quotation marks.double quotes inside single quotes: $('a[rel="nofollow..