티스토리 뷰
1. simple Object Literal
var myApp = {}; myApp.panel = {}; myApp.panel.toggleDisplay = function() { this.displayed = (this.displayed==="none")? "" : "none"; } myApp.panel.defaultWidth = 300; myApp.notepad = {}; myApp.notepad.writeable = true; myApp.notepad.font = 'helvetica'; myApp.notepad.setFont = function(theFont) { myApp.notepad.font = theFont; } //OK not inheritance at all. But best we can do, since notepad has no relation to panel. myApp.panel.toggleDisplay.call(myApp.notepad); myApp.notepad.defaultWidth = myApp.panel.defaultWidth;2. Nested Object Literal
var myApp = {}; myApp.panel = { toggleDisplay : function() { this.displayed = (this.displayed==="none") ? "" : "none"; }, defaultWidth : 300 }; myApp.notepad = { writeable: true, font: 'helvetica', setFont: function(theFont) { this.font = theFont; } }; //Same brute-force inheritance as example (1) myApp.panel.toggleDisplay.call(myApp.notepad); myApp.notepad.defaultWidth = myApp.panel.defaultWidth;3. Constructor using Object Literal (courtesy of Douglas Crockford)
var myApp = {}; myApp.Panel = function(defaultWidth ) { var that = {}; that.defaultWidth = defaultWidth ; that.toggleDisplay = function() { that.displayed = (that.displayed==="none") ? "" : "none"; } return that; } myApp.Notepad = function(defaultFont, width) { var that = myApp.Panel(300); that.writeable = true; that.font = defaultFont; that.setFont = function(theFont) { that.font = theFont; } return that; } //true inheritance without using new or prototype (courtesy of Douglas Crockford) myApp.notepad1 = myApp.Notepad('helvetica',300); myApp.notepad1.defaultWidth;4. Simple Constructor for new
var myApp = {}; myApp.Panel = function(defaultWidth) { this.defaultWidth=defaultWidth ; this.toggleDisplay = function() { this.displayed = (this.displayed==="none") ? "" : "none"; } } myApp.Notepad = function(defaultFont) { this.writeable = true; this.font = defaultFont; this.setFont = function(theFont) { this.font = theFont; } } myApp.notepad1 = new myApp.Notepad('helvetica'); //Without prototype we can only kluge inheritance here. Example (5) will fix it. myApp.notepad1.defaultWidth; //undefined5. Prototype with Constructor for new
//utility function function deepClone(obj) { var clone = {}; for(var i in obj) { if(typeof(obj[i])==="object") { clone[i] = deepClone(obj[i]); } else { clone[i] = obj[i]; } } return clone; } myApp = {}; myApp.Panel = function(defaultWidth) { this.defaultWidth = defaultWidth; } myApp.Panel.prototype.toggleDisplay = function() { this.displayed = (this.displayed==="none") ? '' : "none"; alert('display = ' + (this.displayed ? 'on' : 'off')); } myApp.Notepad = function(defaultFont,defaultWidth) { myApp.Panel.call(this,defaultWidth); //inject self into Panel constructor this.font = defaultFont; } //inherit from Panel.... //better to simply grab Panel's prototype rather than create new instance of Panel myApp.Notepad.prototype = deepClone(myApp.Panel.prototype); myApp.Notepad.prototype.writeable = true; myApp.Notepad.prototype.setFont = function(theFont) { this.font = theFont; } //true inheritance - this time using prototype myApp.notepad1 = new myApp.Notepad('helvetica',300); myApp.notepad1.defaultWidth; //300
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